How do I post a job?
We’ll provide you a University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI) account number to create your user account on and email you a username and password. And yes, we have samples of job postings for you to use in drafting your job post, and we’ll review your posting before it’s uploaded to
Do you select the applicants for us?
Students will submit applications online, which you’ll be able to view and then select candidates to interview.
Can I get specialized recruitment?
Yes, we can customize your search by location, expertise, field of study, and extend the reach beyond posting on our website.
How much do I pay a student?
Pay rates are established by you based on your contract terms and budget. Many state agencies use the CalHR guidelines, but that is not required. Rates should be consistent for students performing the same duties. UEI will follow all federal and state labor laws and local wage ordinances. We can provide you with a sample pay scale to use as a guideline, if desired.